
Our CRM experts can help you improve their sync, reporting, and alignment with sales.

Integrate Your MarTech Stack Better


Supercharge Your MarTech Stack

CRM integration with marketing automation is like fine cheese and wine—they're good by themselves, but together they are amazing! Fortunately, Macro's experts are ready to help you improve your sync, reporting, and alignment with sales. We'll help you set up marketing automation and integrate your data so that your business is optimized for your best performance.

Macro will help you solve:
  • When marketing and sales departments are in constant conflict
  • When a CRM is not fully customized to accommodate all marketing initiatives and goals

Better Data-Driven Decisions

When integration is done right, it's like having your cake and eating it too – you get to improve your campaign performances while growing excellent relationships with your clients.
  • Allow different marketing tools and platforms to share data seamlessly
  • Centralize data to provide your marketing team with a comprehensive view of your client interactions
  • Enable better decision-making and more accurate targeting

Comprehensive MarTech Support

Our expertise and resources will help you get started quickly, and make the most out of your tech stack. As an added benefit for your marketing team, we offer hands-on training for all of the mentioned tools. This is especially a good feature if you are looking to scale up your operations!

Macro is experienced with the best CRM tech:

Ready to Integrate? Let's Make It Happen!

Let’s get your free consultation started!

See How Our Integration Expertise Can Help

Blog: Pardot & Salesforce Integration Advance Health-Check

Pardot has a very robust integration into Salesforce. Using both Pardot's marketing automation platform and Salesforce CRM requires expert certified services in both systems. Take a moment and see what you can do to ensure a smooth integration.
Pardot has a very robust integration into Salesforce. Using both Pardot's marketing automation platform and Salesforce CRM requires expert certified services in both systems. Take a moment and see what you can do to ensure a smooth integration.